The Little Boy and the Old Man – Shel Silverstein

Here’s a great poem to act out. A dialogue between a young boy of about four and an old man of around 75, so the characters have to sound very different from each other.

The Little Boy and the Old Man
Said the little boy, ‘Sometimes I drop my spoon.’
Said the little old man, ‘I do that too.’
The little boy whispered, ‘I wet my pants.’
‘I do that too,’ laughed the little old man.
Said the little boy, ‘I often cry.’
The old man nodded, ‘So do I.’
‘But worse of all,’ said the boy, ‘it seems
Grown-ups don’t pay attention to me.’
And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand.
‘I know what you mean,’ said the old man.

Shel Silverstein

About The Henry Brothers

We are English teachers involved in ELT publishing in Turkey, and also touring the country giving workshops and presentations to English teachers, mainly on the use of poetry, storytelling and other lively activities in the classroom. We can be contacted by e-mail to or
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7 Responses to The Little Boy and the Old Man – Shel Silverstein

  1. Pingback: Trees of Life | Wall Spin, The Zatista Blog

  2. i love it similar yet totally different people

  3. Anissa says:

    I LOVE IT!!!!!

  4. 2cool4ya says:

    This is an amazing poem
    i am analyzing the connection between old and young for a project i am doing in college called ‘the journey of growth’ and i think this is really helpful.
    btw wats up wif the picture???
    also by silverstein???

  5. emilyycy17 says:

    Reblogged this on troublesinfantasy and commented:
    A sad poem about reality… By the Henry Brothers

  6. Pingback: The Little Boy and the Old Man – Shel Silverstein | Chronicles of the Unsaid

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